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  • Writer's pictureJuli Allen

Food Animals Come To Life!

Updated: Apr 8, 2022

In Houston, Texas, Chef Bernard makes cute animals out of food and makes them come to life!

The Chef is world renowned for making animals and creatures out of food and bringing them to life! to see footage of the chef bringing some to life click here.

The chef will forever be known around the world as the giver of life.

His secret

The life giving secret has never been revealed, but we still plan in the near future to learn his secret for the good bringing life to food animals. He sadly passed away at the end of 2020 due to COVID-19, however, he will never be forgotten for his work, now his daughter, Julianne, is making her father proud by doing what he did best. #Chefbernard, #Juliannetheanimal, #Givelifetothosewithoutit, #Foodanimalscomingfree, #Letsrememberbernard.

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